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hobbyists's views for hobbyists
Stefano Pasini:
Deutsche Perfektion


A must for every analogfan and collector:
The EMT-Story

Stefano Pasini is a fervent collector of (among other things) turntables and record players. He is a very knowledgeable hobbyist, especially on the subject of the reproduction of recorded analog sound using turntables of the utmost sturdy construction: Thorens and EMT. Years of collecting and investigation have resulted in a vast knowledge on various subjects, specifically the EMT professional turntables.


With the valuable cooperation of Hans Fabritius, a former employee of EMT (Elektromesstechnik), Stefano Pasini has written and published a book with the meaningful title "Deutsche Perfektion" (German Perfection) which has the entire text printed in English, as well as in Italian and German. In some 160 pages Pasini deals with the history of the manufacturer led by Wilhelm Franz, and of course with the fantastic and also extremely expensive turntables designed and constructed for studios and radiostations. The technique and the practically indestructible construction make each and every model a collector's item in these modern times of chips, limiting bits and samples.

But this book certainly is not just for those who own an EMT 927, 928, 929, 930, 938, 940, 948 or 950. Every serious music lover who is interested in the reproduction of music from the analog record should read this very interesting story of this legendary manufacturer who set the standard for the technique of the studio turntable, like Studer and Nagra were important in the sector of taperecorders. It is not technical reading, so it is easy reading for any layman. Moreso because it is well written.

"Deutsche Perfektion" contains a lot of photographs and has a numbered (part-)list in the back. It is printed on quality paper and nicely bound in a hard cover. The copies are numbered. Most owners do know the inside(s) of their table(s) and the reasons behind the concept, of the various parts and their functioning. But do they know the real story?

I myself, not owning an EMT, would have liked to see more drawings of heavy platters with stroboscopes, idler wheels, changing gears, faders, arms, and in some cases a more elaborate explanation and discussion on various constructional aspects. But when I started reading I soon understood that Stefano Pasini gives a lot of information on the main features of the machines.

One can easily see that it is a labor of love (and of expense! I dare say) which certainly will be enthousiastically received by any EMT-owner and many a turntable buff as well as historians who are interested in the development of the analog technique in the past century. This book may inspire also newcomers to try to find an EMT and restore it. Visit Stefano Pasini's page for details about how to order "Deutsche Perfektion". Happy reading.

P.S. If you want to buy a second hand EMT visit the page of Dipl. Ing. Hans-Ludwig Dusch. You also can check more about EMT on the website of Hans-Michael Fabritius.

Published on 28 September, 2008

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